Friday, October 22, 2010

Post Op

Ella willingly woke yesterday morning at 5am and got into the car with no questions asked. There was much cuddling and laughter for the two hours we had before she went back for surgery. She knew something was up when asked to take medication to help her relax. Within 10 minutes she was a happy “drunk” little girl and willing went back at 7:30 for the procedure. Paul and I cried and held one another and then spent the day surrounded by our LIFE Group from church – and what a lifeline they all are. There isn’t a better group of individuals out there to have shared this experience with. The support and love was flowing all day until the last person left around 8:30pm. Long day for all of us and they chose to do their part willingly and we are so thankful.
There were hourly updates regarding the surgery and Ella. It took about an hour and a half to place all lines – IJ, Art, two periph lines, ET, Foley. Surgery began at 9:10am. They took their time getting to the heart as she has scar tissue from prior open heart at 10 months of age. Then she was placed on ECMO – heart lung bypass. She was on ECMO for three hours which is a long time. Going into surgery there were three “options” for correction. We did not know until surgery was almost over which option they were able to complete. That was painful for me. Finally after much prodding, the nurse providing the updates gave up a piece of information that let me know option #1 was done!! Relief. That was the best case scenario for Ella’s long term health.
About 4pm the surgeon came out to speak with us. The first thing he said was, “She has one MESSED UP anatomy”. They accomplished what they set out to do and as precaution decided to leave the sternum open and just close the skin for the time being. This is to give the heart room in the event there is swelling. Today she will go back to have the sternum closed and pace maker wires placed. She has third degree heart block that may or may not resolve – won’t know for about a week. Her vital signs look good and she is on minimal medication support – volume, lasix, dopamine, fentanyl and a form of roc until they close her chest. The details are for my medically minded friends. Vent settings PRVC rate 24, O2 down from 85 to 50%, peep of 5. Three chest tubes with moderate serrosang output. Good urine output, clear. Warm skin and for the first time EVER pink fingernails!! The nurses had enough time to put her hair in pigtails and color and cut out letters to spell her name – that is always a good sign 
We were awarded a Ronald McDonald sleeping room in the hospital last night. The support services available in the hospital are great. Around 9pm, after making sure Ella was alright, we headed down for some rest. We awoke at 2am and called for a report on Ella and then slept through to 8am – that was much needed. We have been at her bedside ever since. Colin and Carleigh are on their way up now to see mom and dad.
Please continue to cover Ella in prayer. Your support has meant so much to us. I do not have an exact time but they think she will go back for surgery around noon today. Will continue to post updates.


  1. I am so thankful that the surgery went well! I was thinking how amazing it is that one family will go through so much to give a little girl a healthy loving life while in her home country many times life seems so disposable. Ella is blessed to have a wonderful family that will go through all of this for her! But you aren't going through it alone. God bless you all!
    Barb K

  2. We continue to pray for Ella and both of you! It sounds like things are going well, praise the Lord!
