Friday, August 6, 2010

Life Together

It's been a busy couple of days. Who knew it would be a challenge caring for a three and a half year old who knows no English and has just experienced a major change. I've also experienced a major change. I never knew I could love a person so much after spending such little time with her. I've known Ella (Jijia) for less than 72hrs and I love her as much as my other two children. I would do anything for her. I will always love her. Her willingness to spend time with us and interact with us during her grief amazes me. She is one tough girl. I see how sad she is because the loss of her foster family and it breaks my heart. I play ball and hide and seek with her and see her glow and smile and laugh and it warms my heart. It's a strange thing. My emotions tend to follower hers. Happy when we are busy playing, a little sad when things slow down and there is time to think about her incredible loss. She warms up a little more every day and is slowly accepting her new life. For example, today she reached out to both Amy and I so we would pick her up. She reached for Amy's hand to go for a walk. When asked if she wants a drink she shakes her head no instead of turning her back to us. She has been crying at bed time, but not tonight...not even a whimper. (She still refuses to lay down. She falls asleep sitting up in bed and ends up hunched over her legs...I'm not sure what that is about. I think she is stubborn like her mom.) Over all she was much happier today....Praise God!

As far as our activities, yesterday we went to the Hubei Provincial Museum here in Wuhan.
It was a very nice museum and one of the most famous in China. Our guide focused on one exhibit. The exhibit was about the recently discovered (1980's) grave of a person who was three tiers down from the throne. Our guide said that there were around 10,000 such people during this dynasty (around 400 b.c.). Buried with him were many sacrificed slaves (20-30?), incredible wine vases and cooking ware, weapons, and gold to name just a few. The most important find were the bells. An enormous set of huge bells were placed within the tomb. No other like it exist. I can't even begin to explain how impressive this find is. I've included a picture of the bells. After the exhibit we bought Ella some things in the gift shop that are unique to the Hubei province. They can be found no where else. They are a small link to her homeland.

Today we visited three very special places. We first visited the orphanage that Ella and our friend's daughter (Emily) were raised in prior to their foster home. We were not allowed in the buildings for security reasons. We did get to go in the gates, snap some pictures and we even met with two of their care takers who gave us a little more information about the girls. We then went to the sight where Emily was abandoned. It was in a nice park. After a long drive, we went to the exact doorstep where Ella was found when she was two days old. It was heartbreaking and emotional. Amy nearly cried. I wasn't even close (I'm lying). After a long ride back, we ate at a very nice high end Chinese restaurant. It was very good. We did not eat the Peking Duck in Beijing, so we tried the local Wuhan Duck. I liked it, Amy wasn't so fond of it.

We have been spending a lot of time with our new friends who are with us here in Wuhan. Their daughter, Emily, is having trouble adjusting. She cries when not being held by her new mom. It is exhausting for both mom and dad. Dad wants to help, but Emily will not let him touch her. Please keep that family in your prayers. Ella can use some prayers as well. Please pray for her adjustment and her happiness. Please pray for patience for us.

It was a great day. I am so happy that Ella is warming up to us.

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